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Happy Makar Sankranti 2025: Top 50 Wishes : Heartfelt Messages for WhatsApp Status, Friends, Family, Colleagues and Loved ones

Happy Makar Sankranti 2025: Celebrate the Spirit of Makar Sankranti with Messages of Joy and Gratitude for Loved Ones, Friends, and Colleagues.

For Loved One

1. May the warmth of the Sun bring endless joy and happiness to your life. Happy Makar Sankranti 2025!
2. Sending you love and good vibes this Sankranti! May your days ahead be as sweet as tilkut.
3. Let this Makar Sankranti bring new hopes, happiness, and love into your life. Wishing you a blessed day!
4. Celebrate this harvest festival with your heart full of gratitude and your life filled with love. Happy Sankranti!
5. With every ray of sunlight, may your dreams take flight this Sankranti!

For Friends

6. May our friendship soar as high as the kites in the sky this Makar Sankranti. Cheers to good times ahead!
7. Let’s celebrate the festival of joy and abundance together. Happy Makar Sankranti, my dear friend!
8. May your Sankranti be filled with kite-flying, sweet treats, and loads of laughter!
9. Here’s to brighter days and stronger bonds. Happy Makar Sankranti!
10. May this festival bring a rainbow of joy into your life. Have a fantastic Sankranti, buddy!

For Family

11. Grateful for family, love, and togetherness this Makar Sankranti. Let’s celebrate with joy and gratitude!
12. Wishing my dear family a Sankranti full of warmth, love, and cherished moments.
13. Family is like the string of a kite; it holds everything together. Happy Sankranti, my pillars of strength!
14. May our home always be filled with happiness and love, just like this festival brings! Happy Makar Sankranti!
15. On this Sankranti, let’s thank the Sun for blessing us with such a wonderful family.

For Colleagues

16. Wishing you and your family success, health, and prosperity this Makar Sankranti!
17. May this festival of harvest bring abundant growth and progress in all aspects of your life.
18. May your professional and personal life soar to new heights this Sankranti. Happy celebrations!
19. Here’s to a year full of opportunities and achievements. Happy Makar Sankranti to my amazing colleagues!
20. Let the positivity of Makar Sankranti reflect in all our work this year. Wishing you a bright future!

General Wishes

21. Let the kites of happiness and success soar high this Sankranti!
22. Celebrate the joy of harvest and the warmth of togetherness. Happy Makar Sankranti!
23. Tilgul ghya, ani goad-goad bolya! (Take sweets and speak sweetly!) Happy Sankranti!
24. May the Sun God bless you with new beginnings and endless positivity.
25. Let the colors of joy, peace, and love brighten up your life this Makar Sankranti.
26. Celebrate the festival of harvest with gratitude and a heart full of joy.
27. Wishing you wealth, health, and happiness this Makar Sankranti!
28. May the warmth of the Sun and the sweetness of til and gur fill your life with happiness.
29. Let’s welcome brighter days and bid farewell to winter blues this Makar Sankranti.
30. Celebrate the spirit of the harvest season with positivity and abundance.

Short and Sweet Status Messages

31. Happy Makar Sankranti! Stay blessed!
32. Tilgul ghya, ani anand se raha!
33. Fly high and soar beyond limits this Sankranti!
34. Sunshine, kites, and smiles – Happy Makar Sankranti!
35. Sweet moments and sweet wishes this Sankranti!
36. Soar high with your dreams this festive season!
37. Celebrate the harvest of joy and prosperity. Happy Sankranti!
38. Let the Sun shine brighter on your life this Makar Sankranti.
39. Harvest love, joy, and togetherness this festival.
40. Kites in the sky, joy in the heart – Happy Makar Sankranti!

Inspirational Wishes

41. Let this Sankranti inspire you to rise higher and brighter in life!
42. May the positivity of the Sun fill your life with endless energy and enthusiasm.
43. Every new season brings a chance to grow. Embrace the change this Sankranti!
44. Celebrate the journey of life with gratitude and hope this Makar Sankranti.
45. As the Sun begins its northern journey, let your aspirations also rise higher.

Funny and Light-Hearted Wishes

46. Let your kite soar higher than your WiFi signal this Sankranti!
47. Eat tilkut, stay sweet, and don’t count calories today. Happy Sankranti!
48. Sankranti diet: Tilkut and chura-dahi for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
49. If your kite doesn’t fly high, at least your spirits should. Happy Sankranti!
50. Who needs a gym when kite flying gives you the best workout? Happy Sankranti!

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Today Panchang

12 March 2025 (Wednesday)

Sunrise06:34 AM
Sunset06:28 PM
Moonrise04:49 PM
Moonset06:03 AM, Mar 13
Shaka Samvat1946 Krodhi
Vikram Samvat2081 Pingala